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Day 8

I've written these for a Google Classroom that I use to serve one group of teachers I work with. I thought today it might be nice to also publish them to a wider audience. Enjoy. Feel free to leave comments and share how this is impacting your daily life.

Day 8 - One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. - William Shakespeare

I'm sure you've noticed how our current global situation has driven people apart. Social distancing is now a part of our daily language. People are regularly encouraged to stay away from eachother for safety. Hugs and handshakes are way down while handwashing and isolation are way up.

As usual, the coin has another side.

Now that we are geographically isolated, how are you staying connected? Have you found new tools that will allow you to "be there" without being there? When was the last time you saw a family member in person that does not live in your house?

Remember, there is no ban on going outside. I don't know if you've noticed, but it is a beautiful Spring. Brave the pollen and go appreciate things outside.


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